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allegis group造句

  • Jim Davis still has majority control of Allegis Group.
  • A 100 % acquisition of Talent2 by Allegis Group Inc, was finalised in July 2014
  • He founded a family of technical staffing companies known as Allegis Group, which owns Aerotek and TEKsystems.
  • Aerotek grew into the Allegis Group, which is now the largest privately held staffing firm in the United States and 4th in the world.
  • Allegis Group is one of the world's largest staffing and recruitment firms, with more than 220 offices in North America and Europe.
  • Beeline collaborates with a number of strategic staffing partners including Allegis Group Services, Kelly OCG, Pixid, Pontoon, Adecco Group, Randstad Sourceright, Tapfin, Vendorpass, and Volt Workforce Solutions.
  • Talent2 had operations in 20 countries before its privatisation in 2012 via a joint venture between Morgan & Banks Investments ( MBI ) and US company, Allegis Group Inc, the largest privately owned staffing firm in the world.
  • "' Allegis Group "', headquartered in Hanover, Maryland, in the United States, is one of the largest privately held staffing and recruitment services companies in the world, with $ 16 billion in revenue in 2016.
  • However, Chris Stevens, director of corporate communications for Allegis Group, parent of Onsite Aviation, said : " When Boeing has a job opening, we give them all of our qualified people and then they decide who they want to hire.
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